Trupp the Chefs Table | Summer Chef at home 16 session cookery course commences Feb 2024

Summer Chef at home 16 session cookery course commences Feb 2024

Commences Feb 2024 - 10% Early Bird Discount Now Applies ( Saving $386) Limited to 12 people- FOR COURSE DATES CLICK HERE The Chef at home cookery course is the ultimate cooking learning tool! We cook and share our knowledge with you in a fun way,...

Trupp the Chefs Table | The Art of making Soufflé!

The Art of making Soufflé!

With their amazing texture of bubbly hot flavoured air, soufflés consist basically of a thick runny sauce combined with whipped egg white and sugar. In French the word soufflé means puffed up and this happens through hot air expansion in the egg foam when this...

Choosing your fish by Walter Trupp

Choosing your fish by Walter Trupp

  Fish in cooking is unabashedly unique. It is elegant, luxurious and sophisticated like no other ingredient in the kitchen.  It`s a tragedy that it is often so misunderstood by chef's, home cooks and fishmongers. Fish is the favorite ingredient of most great chefs because of its...

Tarte De Anchovis trupp The Chef's Table

Tarte De Anchovis

    This recipe is a great summer entree which thrives from the quality of the ingredients. Another one of Walters recipes from his Signature Dishes class to share with you today!       Ingredients (2 serves) 40 little white anchovies (the original recipe uses fresh and raw anchovies) 2 medium sized potatoes...

Roast lamb rack with forgotten vegetables and dried fruit condiment

Roast Lamb Rack With Forgotten Vegetables & Dried Fruit Condiment

    This recipe of Walters is good for Autumn time using seasonal vegetables like Jeruslam Architchoke and fennel to accompany a roasted rack of lamb. The  dried fruit condiment adds a delicate sweetness and chewiness to compliment this fabulous dish.   Ingredients for the lamb 1 lamb rack fat cap...

Salmon & Dory Supreme with Cavior veloute

Salmon and Dory Supreme with Caviar Veloute

  This recipe is from Walters class- "Signature Dishes from the best restaurants around the world." Every famous restaurant has its own unique signature dish. All the dishes are designed so you can recreate them in your own home kitchen with ease. Surprise your guests at your...

Mango Coconut Foam Soup

Mango Coconut Foam Soup

  A recipe for the Molecular Gastronomy Class: This mango coconut foam soup is rich, airy and just a bit spicy. Since it’s culinary foam instead of a traditional liquid soup, the texture is different than what many people will expect, which adds a new dimension to...

Creme Brulee Online cooking classes

Crème Brule

  Crème Brule is an all time classic delicacy that melts on your tongue. If you want to flavour your Crème Brule with things like passion fruit, berry coulis, Malibu or Grand Marnier you need to reduce the amount of milk content by however much additional...

Hachis Parmentier (Left over pie)

“Hachis Parmentier” (Left over pie)

  We all love a bit of pie! It is an easy heart warming and nutritious meal. Since it is a left over pie you can of course add other left over’s like other vegetables or sausages. A versatile dish, if you want to make this dish...

Ananas rôti à la vanille caramélisée

Ananas rôti à la vanille caramélisée

This is a traditional dessert, which we share with you in one of our best selling 6-hour hands-on Traditional French cooking classes. This dessert is easy to prepare, satisfying your desire for sweetness but also delivering good nutrition; Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and an enzyme called Bromelain....

Chicken Satay Skewers

Chicken Satay Skewers

Who loves chicken satay skewers?! If you have travelled in parts of Asia such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and The Philippines, you will be familiar with the delicious simplicity of chicken satay skewers! These South East Asian delights are no doubt eaten by the bucket load by...

Classes Calendar
February , 2025