Chef @ Home Cookery Course

$3,660.00 AUD

Duration: Multiple Sessions Time: Varies Category: Share:

March 2021 intake is now FULL

Next intake in July 2021registered your interest here and benefit from Early bird 10% discount (limited to 10 people)

The Home Chef Cookery course with three hat chef Walter Trupp is the ultimate cooking learning tool, making it possible for you to achieve all of your food-related goals. We cook and share our knowledge with you in a fun way. We enjoy great meals together and hear each other’s stories.

The course focuses on your personal cooking development and aspirations, opening the floodgates of health and cooking success. The course is based on proven techniques and strategies that will teach you product knowledge and time management in the kitchen, giving you the confidence to prepare everything from delicious 20-minute everyday meals to the most amazing dinner parties. Experience new ingredients on our Prahran Market tours and apply fantastic new cooking techniques.
We will guide you through complex nutritional information and make it possible for you to understand what healthy eating is. Our goal is to make you apply newly acquired knowledge and keep well fed and healthy for many years to come.

All 16 classes are hands-on experiences with plenty of one-to-one teaching. Recipe books are included, and each session finishes with a lunch or dinner that lets you enjoy cooked and plated foods.

Weekday sessions run for 3 hours from 6-9 pm and weekend sessions run for 5.5 hours 9 am to 2.30 pm on each day. Class sizes are limited to ten people so book your place today for the ultimate cooking experience. If you do not manage to attend a particular session, you can do a catch-up class the following term.

Send us an enquiry or call us on 0429 650 343  

Next intake July 2021registered your interest here and benefit from Early bird 10% discount (limited to 10 people)

Weekday classes run 6-9pm, weekend classes run 9am to 2.30pm

July to November Dates:

  1. Knife skills                                       Thursday 22nd July 6pm to 9pm
  2. Entrees fine dining                         Saturday 24th July 9am to 2.30pm
  3. Stocks and sauces                           Thursday 5th August 6pm to 9pm
  4. Salads and Raw foods                    Saturday 14h August 9am to 2.30pm
  5. Finger food, tapas Canapés          Thursday 19th August 6pm-9pm
  6. Shellfish                                            Saturday 28th August 9am to 2.30pm
  7. Preserving                                       Thursday 2nd September 6pm-9pm
  8. Pasta, risotto, polenta                   Thursday 16th September 6pm-9pm
  9. Fish                                                    Saturday 18th of September 6pm-9pm
  10. Vegetables                                        Thursday 30th September 6pm-9pm
  11. Poultry                                              Saturday 2nd October 9am to 2.30pm
  12. Cold desserts                                   Thursday 14th October 6pm-9pm
  13. Meat                                                  Saturday 16th October 9am to 2.30pm
  14. Bread and pastries                         Saturday 30th October 9am to 2.30pm
  15. Hot desserts                                    Saturday 13th November 9am to 2.30pm
  16. Graduation                                      Sunday 14th November 9am to 2.30pm


March to June Dates 2021- FULL

  1. Knife skills                                    Tuesday 16thMarch 6pm to 9pm
  2. Entrees fine dining.                     Saturday 2oth March 9am to 2.30pm
  3. Salads and Raw foods                 Saturday 27th March 9am to 2.30pm
  4. Stocks and sauces                       Wednesday 31st March 6pm to 9pm
  5. Shellfish                                        Saturday 10th April 9am to 2.30pm
  6. Fish                                                Saturday 17th of April 6pm-9pm
  7. Finger food, tapas Canapés.      Wednesday 21st April 6pm-9pm
  8. Poultry                                           Saturday 1st May 9am to 2.30pm
  9. Preserving                                     Wednesday 5th May 6pm-9pm
  10. Meat                                                Saturday 15th May 9am to 2.30pm
  11. Pasta, risotto, polenta                  Wednesday 19th May 6pm-9pm
  12. Bread and pastries                       Saturday 29th May 9am to 2.30pm
  13. Vegetables                                     Wednesday 2nd June 6pm-9pm
  14. Cold desserts                                 Wednesday 9th June 6pm-9pm
  15. Hot desserts                                  Saturday 12th June 9am to 2.30pm
  16. Graduation                                    Saturday 26th June 9am to 2.30pm

 Weekday classes run 6-9pm, weekend classes run 9am to 2.30pm


Session 1: Knife skills and kitchen basics (3hr)

Outcomes: knife handling; familiarity with different types of knives; knife sharpening; other utensils; appliances; food storage, freezing and defrosting. Dinner and drinks supplied.

Session 2: Entrées fine dining (6hr)

Outcomes: fancy dinner entrées, including seafood, meats and cheeses; basic food styling; how to cure meats such as bresaola, prosciuttos and sausages.

Session 3: Salads & Raw Foods (6hr)

Outcomes: raw-food entrées such as wholesome salads; salad dressings; legume and pulse preparation and sprouting.

Session 4: Stocks & Sauces (3hr)

Outcomes: preparation of 5 different stocks, vegetable-based sauces, cold sauces, salsas, vinaigrettes, egg sauces, brown sauces, white sauces, pan sauces and stew sauces.

Session 5: Fish & market tour (6 hr)

Outcomes: choosing and filleting fish; poaching, baking, pan-frying, slow cooking, salt encrusting, stewing, curing and raw-serving of all types of fish. Learn all about sustainability, fish-catching methods and seasons.

Session 6: Finger food and tapas (3hr)

Outcomes: sweet and savoury variations using fish, meat and vegetables; organising and planning your party; food styling.

Session 7: Shellfish & market tour (6hr)

Outcomes: preparation and cooking of mussels, clams, oysters, bugs, squid, calamari, cuttlefish, sea urchins and lobsters.

Session 8: Poultry (duck, chicken, turkey, quail, pigeon, also rabbit) (6hr)

Outcomes: 5 ways to debone poultry; stuffing poultry; terrines, roulades and pâtés; stir-fries and tajines.

Session 9:  Preserving  (3hr)

Outcomes: clear soups, broth-style soups, pureed soups and stews; preservation and fermentation of foods.

Session 10: Vegetables (3hr)

Outcomes: preparation and cooking methods of forgotten vegetables

Session 11: Meat & market tour (beef, lamb, goat, pork and game) (6hr)

Outcomes: learn from Gary the master butcher about boning, dry ageing and quality meats; recipes cover different types of cuts for pan-frying, slow cooking, stir-frying, braising, roasting and low-temperature cooking, as well as curries and tajines.

Session 12: Cold desserts and ice-creams (3hr)

Outcomes: healthy raw-food cakes and other desserts made from fruits and chocolate; frozen desserts; cold dessert sauces.

Session 13: Hot desserts (6hr)

Outcomes: waistline-friendly cakes, tarts, muffins, soufflés and hot dessert sauces; processing fruits into jams and compotes; cake decorating and planning.

Session 14: Pasta, risottos and polenta (3hr)

Outcomes: different pasta flours; how to make 10 different-shaped pastas from semolina and wholemeal flour; filled pastas like tortellini, ravioli and rottolo; making different risottos and polentas from buckwheat chestnut flour and maize.

Session 15: Breads and pastries  (6hr)

Outcomes: brioche, ciabatta, bagels, grissini, Turkish bread, pizza spelt, walnut bread and more; choux pastry, puff pastry, croissants, sweet pastry, savoury pastry, gluten-free pastry and yeast pastry.

Session 16: Graduation with a 7-course, fine-dining experience for you and a guest (6hr)

Outcomes: planning and organising your home dinner party; decorating a table; wine matching; cooking while entertaining. Final dinner celebration and receipt of your Trupp Cooking School certificate plus a gift.

Chef @ Home

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Classes Calendar
September , 2024